Bayview Dental Centre

Holistic Dentistry

Dr Patrizia Cannata

Holistic Dental Care

Naturally Maintaining Your Oral Health With Dr. Patrizia Cannata

Dr. Cannata and our team at Bayview Dental Centre are dedicated to providing holistic dental care that promotes your overall well-being. We believe in the power of comprehensive oral health, addressing the root causes of dental issues rather than just the symptoms. Our holistic approach includes personalized treatment plans, biocompatible materials, and preventive care to ensure your long-term dental health. By integrating modern dental practices with a focus on whole-body health, we help you achieve and maintain a radiant smile naturally.


Preventative Dentistry


Ozone Therapy


Saliva pH Testing

Dental Services

A Holistic Approach to dentistry 

Holistic dentistry is founded on the philosophy that your mouth is closely connected to the rest of your body. Your teeth and gums don’t exist in their own protected microcosm; instead, they are always positively or negatively impacted by your lifestyle choice and wellness

At Bayview dental We are committed to helping you achieve a healthy mouth so that you can enjoy a healthy body as well. Our philosophy is that dental treatment should be gentle, conservative, minimally invasive, and natural. At your first appointment we do as many screenings as you are comfortable with to determine a treatment plan.

woman smiling at dentist

Ozone Therapy

Ozone therapy involves the use of ozone gas in medical settings. This gas can be applied directly for infection control or mixed with water or other liquids. Ozone (O3) is a colorless gas consisting of three oxygen atoms, giving it unique therapeutic properties. It has been used for over 100 years and extensively studied. Ozone effectively kills harmful bacteria, fungi, viruses, and protozoans, and removes debris. As a supercharged oxygen molecule, ozone is highly reactive and destroys infectious cells like viruses and bacteria. Ozone is made in our office with the latest generators. This natural substance is both an antioxidant and antibacterial, with no side effects.

Saliva pH Testing

Used to measure the acidity or alkalinity in the mouth. When the pH balance is off there can be serious affects to your dental health. Cavities and damage to tooth enamel are both risks from too high or too low levels. We can help bring balance back to your mouth.

woman smiling at dentist
root canal xray

Oral Cancer Screenings

Having these screenings is important to catch mouth cancer early. They can also pick up on precancerous conditions in a patient’s mouth.

Airway & Sleep Disordered Breathing assessment

A poor airway is the root cause to many dental issues and health problems. A poor airway mean there is reduced oxygen to brain. 

woman smiling at dentist
woman smiling at dentist

Dietary analysis

The instant that food enters your mouth, changes start to occur. If the foods you eat are rich in sugars and carbohydrates, they are immediately converted into acids. Those acids begin attacking the teeth and triggering decay. By swapping highly processed, sugar-laden foods with fresher, more nutrient-dense options, you can prevent a number of dental problems and even encourage your teeth and gums to remain as healthy as possible.

New Patients Welcome

Take Care Of Your Oral Health & Book Your Dental Hygiene Appointment Today